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These paper planes are made from handmade paper that is embedded with wildflower seed. The pulp is recycled from junk mail. They will fly over rooftops and pass over chain-link fence. This #sosGREENraid paper plane are folded in various design to further enhance the experience of this campaign.
A study on aging adults in New York City identified the benefits of art in the lives of senior citizens. This new initiative seeks to connect artists and senior citizens in Senior Centers throughout New York City, as part of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s "Age Friendly NYC" initiative. Each Senior Center is unique and offers access to different types of spaces, resources, and communities. Artists will work with the Senior Centers to arrange workspace and storage as well as to develop opportunities for informal interactions with seniors and/or on-site structured programs such as workshops, demonstrations, lectures and/or exhibits. Research found that aging visual artists have larger social networks, more intergenerational contacts, and higher life satisfaction scores than other older adults. As a result, the Department for the Aging is interested in creating opportunities for visual artists of all ages to regularly interact with senior center participants. The new arts programming will also encourage additional older New Yorkers to make use of the City's senior centers. NYC Department of Cultural Affairs Commissioner Kate D. Levin said, "This is an example of New York working at its very best: by leveraging currently unused spaces in the City's network of senior centers, we are able to provide much needed work space for our artists, while simultaneously providing new programming for older New Yorkers this will help ensure that
New York remains a creative community for people of all ages." My programming for the seniors will be at Stapleton Senior Center, 189 Gordon Street, Staten Island, NY 10304